喜1机:晕啊看中文标题还以为会是讲囚犯逃跑或者越战之类的玩意儿呢结果竟然是说权利解放的铁三角 电影不是我的菜呢个人评价:C
北辰星:一开始觉得和《borisal》好像铁三角 电影都是大学教授破案的情节但这个大大学生似乎鲁莽又太冲完全不想自己的安危看到ep8才渐渐知道原来她是那么为啥不怕死了结尾还挺开放式的
荔枝荔枝: De Palma demonstrates the drawbacks of a film-school education by overexploiting every cornball trick of style in the book: slow motion, split screen, long takes, and soft focus abound, all to no real point. Sissy Spacek's overacting would register only 2/10 in terms of horror, but it would score well on the laugh meter.